Sunday, August 25, 2013

GLPCL Second Shortlist Candidates list for exam & Notification

1.Second List of Candidates for Written Examination on 26th Aug 2013
VACANCIES AGAINST ADVT. NO : _________________
The second list of short-listed candidates will be hosted on the website on 24/08/2013. The candidates who have applied for District, Taluka and State level positions may please download their admit card.
The second round of examination is being held on 26th August 2013 at Rajkot, Surat, Ahmedabad and Baroda as per the following time slot :
  1. 10 a.m. to 12 o'clock : Written Test for the position of APM – State & General Manager
  2. 1 to 3 PM : Written test for the position of APM – Taluka & Taluka Livelihood Manager
  3. 4 to 6 PM : Written Test for the Position of APM – District & District Livelihood Manager
Special note :
All the candidates who had appeared for the Taluka-level [Assistant Project Manager – Taluka & Taluka Livelihood Manager] examination on 19th August, 2013 [irrespective of any position] will not be required to appear again on 26thAugust even though their name appears in the second list.
Similarly, All those candidates who had appeared for DistrictLevel [Assistant Project Manager – District & District Livelihood Manager] and State level [Assistant Project Manager – State & General Manager] on 21st August, irrespective of any position, will not be required to appear again on 26th August eventhough their name appears in the second list.
However, if any candidate whose name appears in the second list for level over and above the one he/she has already appeared has to compulsorily attend the written test on 26th August 2013.
For e.g.; if a candidate has appeared for Taluka Livelihood Manager on 19th August however in case his / her name appears in either APM – state or General Manager List then he / she has to compulsorily appear for written test on 26th August 2013.
Kindly contact helpline Number : 079-23969315 for any clarification
For More Information Click Here

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