Saturday, February 1, 2014

Jilla Panchayat Seva Pasandagi Samiti - Junagadh

Read the changes in exam pattern for the below posts at index number 9 in the following advertisement numbers
- Advt. no.: DPSSSC12/201314/3 - Multipurpose Health Worker(Male)
- Advt. no.: DPSSSC12/201314/4 - Multipurpose Health Worker(Female)

Question Paper, Time Duration : 1 hour, Total Marks: 100
1 - Gujarati Language and Grammar(vyakaran) - 20 Marks
2 - English Grammar(vyakaran) - 20 Marks
3 - General Knowledge - 25 Marks
4 - Questions about duties related to job - 35 Marks

District Urban Health Unit - Walk in Interview

District Urban Health Unit, Jilla Panchayat - Rajkot have invited applicants for the vacancy of posts given below contract basis of 11 months.

Eligible candidates need to appear in Interview with all necessary original documents with photocopies of each.

The interview dates are shown in the official newspaper advertisement. For more details regarding education qualifications and pay scale check detailed advertisement link given below

Age Limit: 58 Years

Registration Timings : 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

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